
Foods Nourishing Oily Skin: Like other skin types, eating healthy and beneficial foods must positively impact skin health and condition. Still, when it comes to oily skin, in particular, it is preferable to focus on specific foods to nourish oily skin and resist some of its health problems such as acne at the same time, particularly the foods:

1. Some Types Of Fruits

Including the following types of fruits specifically in the diet may contribute to nourishing oily skin and resisting acne problems, such as fruits:


Bananas contain essential nutrients for the skin such as potassium and vitamin e, and regular intake can help rid the body and skin of toxins, improve skin health and capture wide pores.

Oranges contain essential nutrients and compounds for oily skin health, such as:

Vitamin c is necessary for nourishing oily skin.

Other combinations may help rid oily skin of additional oils.

Natural oils may contribute to moisturizing the skin.

Citric acid may help dry acne.


Avocados are a type of fruit that can help nourish and improve oily skin, as avocados contain the following:

Fatty acids may help reduce greasy secretions from the sweat glands.

Antioxidants and other compounds may help improve skin tone and structure.

2. Some Types Of Vegetables

Including the suitable kinds of vegetables that may help nourish oily skin and improve its overall health:

The option may help: moisturize the skin, resist skin problems such as acne, and help rid the body of toxins.

Green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli, may help: purify and moisturize the skin, regulate the production of oils, and protect pores from blockages.

3. Other Foods

Foods Nourishing Oily Skin from the Inside:

Foods are rich in omega-3 acids, such as seeds and soy grains, and fish, such as sard, salmon, and nuts.

Probiotics-rich foods, such as curd, must be eaten.

Prebiotic foods, such as forky earth asparagus.

Healthy oily skin from the outside:

Great natural recipes

These are some natural recipes that regularly apply to the skin may help nourish oily skin and improve its health:

1. Skin Exfoliation Recipes

The exfoliation recipes may help exfoliate and nourish oily skin:

Peeled starch and curd: mix a spoonful of cornstarch with a bit of lemon juice, massage the facial skin into the mixture, and wash after 5 minutes.

Sea salt peeler: mix a little sea salt with warm water, then use the mix to massage the skin before washing it with water.

Honey peeler and sugar: mix a spoonful of sugar with a spoonful of honey, then use this implement to massage the skin and solution with warm water after 10 minutes.

2. Strawberry Mask And Curd

apply these steps to take benefits of the strawberry mask:

Prepare the contents of the strawberry mask mixture: 3 strawberries, three tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of curd.

Mash the strawberries, then add the curd to them and honey.

Spread the catcher to the skin, and leave for a short time before washing with cold water.

3. Honey And Cucumber Mask

Apply these steps to take advantage of the honey mask and cucumber:

The honey mask and cucumber ingredients remain first prepared: 2 tablespoons cucumber juice one tablespoon of honey.

Mix the honey with the cucumber, then spread the mixture to the face.

Wash the face from the honey mask and cucumber after approximately 30 minutes.

4. Honey And Milk Mask

These steps remain recommended to nourish oily skin with honey and milk mask:

First, prepare honey mask ingredients equal servings of honey and milk.

Mix milk with honey well.

Spread the honey and milk mask to the skin, then rinse with water after several minutes.

General tips for oily skin care

it remains also recommended to apply these recommendations for oily skincare:

Avoid the underlying types of food that may lead to acne in oily skin, such as milk and dairy products, caffeine sources, sugar-rich or salty foods, and high-fat meats.

Wash the skin twice a day anfd wash it after sweating physical activities.

Take care to use oil-free skincare products.

Avoid: exposing the skin at length to sunlight and tampering with skin grains.


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