
New device? What is it? Researchers have developed a computer that resembles the human brain, capable of learning by association. Following the footsteps of renowned physicist Ivan Pavlov, who adapted dogs to tie the bell ring to food, researchers at northwestern and Hong Kong universities successfully adapted their circuit to link light and pressure.

The secret of this device lies in electrochemical organic interlocking transistors, which process and store information simultaneously, just like the human brain. In addition, scientists have demonstrated that transistors can simulate the short- and long-term flexibility of neural tangles in the human brain, creating memories to learn over time.

Thanks to their mental capacity similar to the human brain, the new transistor can go beyond traditional computing with its energy-draining devices and its limited ability to accomplish various tasks simultaneously. In addition, this human brain-like device has a fault-preventing capability that enables it to continue to work smoothly even when some parts are out of action.

“While modern computers are excellent, the human mind can easily outperform it in accomplishing some complex and untidy tasks. Such as identifying shapes, motor control and combining the senses.

Thanks to the flexibility of neural entanglement, which is the cornerstone of the computer power of the brain, allowing it to work in parallel, deal with errors smoothly, and save energy,” says northwestern university researcher Jonathan rival. in our project, we present plastic, an organic transistor that mimics the essential functions of transmitters.”

Traditional Computing Problems

Traditional digital computer systems have separate processing and storage units, causing data-intensive tasks to consume large amounts of energy. In recent years, researchers have tried to develop computers that work like the human brain, with arrays of devices operating like internet of neurons, inspired by the human brain’s combined computing and storage processes.

“Computer systems adopt the physical separation of memory and logic.” you do the computing process and send that information to the memory unit, so if you want to retrieve the data, you have to call it. if we can combine these two independent processes. We will save space and energy.”

Researchers have proven that their device can simulate interrelated learning, linking interlocking transistors within neural circuit researchers have demonstrated that their device can affect corresponding learning, connecting interlocking transistors within a neural circuit

Memory resistance or “memristor” is a highly advanced technology that can perform joint treatment and available memory. But they suffer from high energy consumption and poor biocompatibility. These flaws prompted researchers to create charity transistors, especially low-voltage electrochemical organic and adjustable memory, compatible with biological applications. However, challenges remain.

“Even high-performance electrochemical transistors require separating the writing process from reading,” rival said. So if you want to keep a memory. You have to separate it from the writing process, further complicating the integration into circles or systems.”

How Does the Chapeque Transistor Work?

The team developed a plastic material connected to the organic electrochemical transistor to overcome these challenges, which can hold ions.

Neurotransmitters are a structure in which neurons can transmit signals to another neuron by small molecules called neurotransmitters. in a chappy transistor, ions act like neurotransmitters, sending signals between terminals to form artificial entanglement. In addition, the transistor recalls past activities using retained data stored by retained ions. Thus developing long-term flexibility.

The researchers displayed the networking behaviour of the device by linking it to a neural circuit to simulate interrelated learning. Next, they integrated the pressure and light sensors into the circle and trained them to connect the unrelated physical inputs – pressure and light – to each other.

Pavlov’s dog is the most famous example of bonding learning, which naturally dribbles when food comes across. However, after the dog adapted to tie the bell ringing to the food, the dog’s saliva also flowed as soon as the sound was heard.

In the neural circuit, researchers activated voltage by finger pressing. To adapt the course to connect the light to pressure. The researchers first adopted the light emitted by the led lamp and then applied the pressure immediately. Here represents food pressure, light bell. The device’s sensors detected both entrances.

After one training session. The circuit initially connected the light to the pressure. After five training sessions. The correlation increased significantly. Finally, the only light could trigger an unconditional signal or response.

Futuristic Applications of New Device

Like a tangle of soft polymers such as plastic. It can be easily manufactured on flexible sheets and easily integrated into thin wearable electronics or within intelligent robots. And implantable devices that interact directly with living tissues, including the brain. “While our application of the idea is proof of it.

We can still expand our proposed circuit to include more sensory inputs and integrate them with other electronics. Enabling us to achieve more energy savings by aligning with biological environments,” the rival said. the device can interact directly with living tissues. Which is essential and will affect the next generation of biological electronics.”