
Scientists warn of an emerging epidemic of myopia or sorrow after noticing sharp increases in infections in adults of the late baby boom generation.

Based on data collected from 107442 participants in the biobank’s comprehensive programme in the UK, people born in the late 1960s were 10% more likely to develop myopia than those born three decades earlier.

The most significant change remained in people who experienced vision problems in adulthood. However, severe cases doubled in the same period in those who had myopia in childhood.
This condition may have resulted from a combination of genetic and environmental factors, such as the increasing use of mobile devices. However, the study found that these habits can remain changed with sound public health initiatives.

What has Researchers said about Myopia?

Researchers have pointed out a concern for public health at the international level, with the emergence of an “epidemic” of myopia, characterized by an increasing prevalence, a shift in distribution towards a younger age at the beginning, and greater intensity.

A giant batch of individuals born between 1939 and 1944 were individuals. Results showed that 12.6% had short-sightedness in childhood and 7.4% later. While in the smaller collection of 1965-1970 births, these percentages rose to 15.6% and 13.6% successively.

Overall, the number of people with myopia in older and younger groups increased from 20% to 29.2%. Although most adult infections were mild. This does not illustrate the complete picture, with the highest increase of 30.9% in people born between 1955 and 1959, showing a worrying trend.

What Changes in lifestyle for Myopia?

We are changing children’s diets.

Increase the use of mobile devices.

A change in teaching methods is represented by spending more time-solving homework and less time outdoors.

Given the research, an increase in the number of people who have continued their studies afterwards 18 may remain a factor. In addition, a link has remained observed between further postgraduate education.

And an increased risk of myopia in many previous studies.

The researchers wrote: “there has been a change over time in the proportion of young people choosing to continue their education, accompanied by a change in teaching methods, widespread use of television, widespread use of electronic screens. And the expansion of these activities in leisure.”

Studies have shown that myopia has become a problem in many people early in life. While a higher proportion of people with myopia report more severe cases of eye disorders.

According to the researchers, evidence shows the stability of myopia in people born between 1955. And 1970 supports the idea that these trends may stabilize or be reversed.

The idea is that many effects play a role in increasing the risk of myopia. For example, childhood rates determined by genes are different from adults. Most of which are influenced by environmental factors.


The researchers conclude: “we need a comprehensive research approach to improve our understanding of adjustable risk factors during life, and how to address them.”