
Most Dangerous Ride – As an equestrian partner, a horse in the united states of America is more of a business partner. But horse riding, with its fun and leisure time, is not risk-free. Therefore, many athletes should take their practice more seriously.

A study of a decade-long data set from the u.s. National Trauma Data Bank revealed the number of people injured due to riding accidents. So, if you are one of the people who do not prefer to ski on the ice slopes to avoid the risk of a bad accident or broken leg, for the same reason, you should stay away from the horse beds.

Horse riding causes more injuries than ski accidents. by comparing the fun provided. You’ll be safer playing football or cycling instead of riding.

A previous study conducted in the united kingdom also found that the rate of motorcycle injuries was 0.14 per 1,000 driving hours. While the rate of riding injuries was 0.49 for the duration.

This study remains not intended to discourage anyone from enjoying equestrian sports. Still, the texas team of researchers aims to encourage people to talk more about the sport’s dangers. And apply better public protections.

Recent Studies of Most Dangerous Ride

“Recently, some equestrian sports agencies have recommended the use of certain protections to avoid accidents, particularly those related to concussion and injuries. However, very few public health campaigns have focused on preventing injuries among jockeys who use horses for leisure and work.”

This study is not the first of its kind to alert Americans to the type of harm Americans experience due to riding. However, most of the previous research has remained limited to some geographical regions, which are difficult to conclude; are all Americans suffering from this problem or not?

In addition, a few studies have examined the long-term health effects of the sport, which have focused solely on specific harm care and treatment methods, yet the results, given what we know now, will not be astonishing.

Statistics show that only about 10% of horse riders remain admitted to the hospital due to an accident. At the same time, riding remained fully recovered, while 37% of injured horse riders reviewed the hospital due to injuries to the chest area (chest and upper torso) as this area of the body is most vulnerable to damage.

A quarter of the cases of Most Dangerous Ride

On the other hand, one-quarter of the patients remained limited to limb injuries, and just over a fifth of the cases were head injuries. In addition, a small proportion of cases (less than 4%) suffered from worrying awareness problems, which predict severe neurological harm.

In half of the cases, the worst riding injuries sustained were staying in the hospital beds. While more than a quarter of the patients entered the intensive care room. The point of 10 of the injured called for surgical action.

Most horse riders left the hospital after treatment without the need for any follow-up services. While about 7% needed rehabilitation and review of health care institutions after they remained discharged.

Unfortunately, during the study data collection years (from 2006 to 2017), 320 of the 250,000 injured were recorded due to riding accidents.

The above is a set of statistics that do not need detail to message that more protections should remain applied during horse riding. With little risk to riding. Football institutions have stepped up their campaigns to increase protection against head injuries. Following them with a strong focus on the risk of brain injuries.


Whether it’s the experience of a romantic Hollywood equestrian situation free of vests and helmets or indulging in the sense of freedom and hair flying outdoors. The message of applying more protections does not resonate sufficiently.

So take the wisdom of the experts, we can continue to enjoy this popular sport and reduce the number of serious injuries when we launch awareness campaigns on the dangers of harm. And encourage the wearing of the protective dress more.