What is Marketing?

Marketing – to give a concrete definition of what marketing is, it is necessary to refer to different meanings of this word throughout history.

However, we can say that marketing is a set of actions through which a company studies the needs or characteristic problems of an audience, be it a person or another company, and establishes strategies to discover how to solve them through its product. Or service.

There are other terms with which is associated: one of them, which comes from the English word market: ” Market. ” Other names have arisen given the variations of our language, such as marketing.

What Types of Marketing Exist?

Electronic Marketing

One of the most current techniques. Its difference is in the channels it uses since it involves all the tools of the online environment and its functionalities to spread messages.

For example, social and search networks, content marketing strategies, etc. We even talk about all these Online strategies in this eBook. How about giving it a look?

Offline Marketing

It is made up of practices used by a company to promote its brand and increase the number of sales without using the Internet.

They are pretty traditional strategies, like the press, television, and radio, which are still essential for business.

Direct Marketing

Reach a specific audience by creating direct and personalized messages through information stored in a database.

Some of the most used channels in direct marketing are emails, calls, SMS, and correspondence.

Indirect Marketing

Also known as stealth marketing, it subtly inserts advertising messages into the content of TV shows, movies, games, magazines, radio, events, etc., rather than simply displaying them as commercials.

Mass Marketing

Therefore, Production, distribution, and mass promotion of a product or service without a level of market segmentation. It is a strategy that distributes masse and tries to attract all types of buyers.

Segment Marketing

It consists of identifying a group that is characterized based on their preferences, purchasing power, geographical location, attitudes, and similar purchasing habits.

Niche Marketing

Therefore, the niche is a more specific segmentation: a smaller group of people identify with more similar characteristics.

Thus, the advantage of niche is that companies enjoy less competition, get closer to their audience, and have little expense to execute their strategies.


The goal here is to connect products and people. In this strategy, the company identifies the right consumers for its creation and simultaneously looks for ways to sell it convincingly to attract and win over new customers.


It shows the client the value of a company in service provision, positioning it as a provider of solutions to their needs.

The highlight of service goes to the person’s ability to offer the service, their experience, talent, reputation, etc.


A mix between neuroscience and marketing whose main objective is to understand what makes a consumer prefer a brand, buy or not a product, and even become a loyal customer.


It stimulates the senses – vision, hearing, smell, touch, and palate – as part of its differentiation and positioning strategy.


Therefore, the strategy propagates the advertising material of a brand, service, or product exponentially by reviewing the message between people.

Social networks have become great allies of this viral marketing.


It intends to draw attention to or eliminate social problems, mainly related to issues of public health, transportation, work, education, housing, and nutrition. The goal is to improve general well-being.


They are oriented to the process of selling products and services that are based on their benefits to the environment. Green marketing is linking the brand, product, or service to an ecologically conscious image.


It is dedicated to developing positive relationship strategies with the consumer before, during, and after purchasing.

Its purpose is to conquer and retain customers and turn them into defenders and promoters of the brand through an emotional connection.


They are actions use of emotion during the customer’s experience with the brand. Through experiential marketing, stimuli are created that generate emotional responses, facilitating the creation of a link with the brand, product, or service.


It seeks to awaken the need and desire for a particular product or service. Many believe that it involves only discount stocks. However, its range is much more extensive.

There are actions of gifts, free samples, and raffles, among others, that boost sales and boost customer loyalty.


The practice of actions focused on individuals who exert influence over potential buyers. For example, influencers interfere in customers’ purchase decisions and favor a particular brand.


However, it intends to take advantage of loyalty to generate a positive word of mouth about the company, based on the relationship of trust established with its customers, making them promoters of the brand.

How was Marketing Done in the Beginning?

How was Marketing Done in the Beginning?

Great inventions, such as the printing press, were needed during the industrial revolution for the mass publication of information to allow people to learn about topics that went beyond what they heard from other people.

The mass production of articles allowed people to access information that, although at first was a luxury, became more affordable thanks to the diversification of the market.

Radio and television as mass media led to the study of demographic characteristics of the public, a marketing action currently used.

Therefore, the appearance of the telephone in the 70s brought what we know as telemarketing, a practice in force until today, loved and hated by many.


Many types of marketing exist. In addition to those we have mentioned, there are still countless other types that arise. Therefore, you have great possibilities at your hand to achieve the objectives of your business. You have to analyze well and apply the best strategy to communicate with your audience.

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